In the media


canal24_edu_medAndreu Buenafuente interviews Eduardo on his late show for La Sexta (1/4/2008). Here is the second part of the vídeo.
Humor con Sentido, 60-minute RTVE documentary presented by Eduardo. Shown on Canal Cultura and TVE-2 (26/09/2010)
News bulletin on TVE-1 about Fun at Work Day 2008 (1/4/2008)
Interview with Eduardo Jáuregui and Jesús Damián Fernández on “La Tarde en 24h”, TVE 24h (from 33:20) about fun at work (1/4/2011)
Interview on prime time radio show “En Días Como Hoy”, RNE-1 (26/4/2012)
Interview on prime time radio show “En Días Como Hoy”, RNE-1 (8/4/2010)
Interview on prime time radio show “Hoy por Hoy”, Cadena SER (1/4/2011)
Interview on prime time radio show “Hoy por Hoy”, Cadena SER (5/5/2008)
Live report about Fun at Work Day on “Hoy por Hoy”, Cadena SER (1/4/2008)
Interview on prime time radio show “Hora 25”, Cadena SER (28/3/2008)
Interview on prime time radio show “La Ventana”, Cadena SER (7/11/2007)
-Article in El País “Póngale los cuernos a la crisis” about Fun at Work Day 2011. 2/4/2011
-Article in El País “Si Google puede, las demás también”, based on an interview with Eduardo. Sección Negocios. 06/04/2008
Article and video in El Mundo about Fun at Work Day 2012 (26/4/2012)
Interview in El Mundo about Humans on Trial  (11/5/2006).
Back-page interview in La Vanguardia, by Ima Sanchís (31/1/2008)
Back-page interview in ABC, by Blanca Torquemada (28/12/2010)
“Reírse en el trabajo es un negocio muy serio” in Expansión (9/4/2011)
“La inteligencia y la seriedad del humor”. Interview in Executive Excellence. No. 58, (4/2009)
Appearance in a special program on BBC Radio 4, Beyond the Cringe, about embarrassing situations and humor (5/2/2005)
Interview in a scientific program on BBC Radio 4 The Material World (10/3/2005).
Article on humor at work citing Eduardo Jáuregui on BBC World.


The full list…

…of over 200 media appearances in major press, radio and TV channels can be found here.